A question I get asked a lot… How do I come back from travelling just as fit, if not fitter than before I left? 

Well, first things first, the majority of my travel is for work so that changes the dynamics of my trip a lot. however, regardless of whether I travel for holiday or work, I always stick to my top 10 fitness travel tips below to keep me on track.

For me, living a healthy, happy life is not about yo-yo dieting, preparing for a bikini holiday, then undoing all that hard work as soon as I hit the beach. in fact, i don't believe in dieting at all. The lifestyle I have chosen is varied but balanced whereby I feel great about my body and mind 24/7, all year round. My key to achieving this is loving the feeling of being healthy and happy - it really is addictive! Once you can get your body and mind into a healthy, but not excessive routine, you’ll not only notice a difference in your body and mind, but you’ll never look back.

All of us have the chance to make this happen. look after yourself, for yourself and I’m here to help you all.

Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia


1.     Managing Jet Lag

After suffering from severe jet lag on many occasions when visiting The States and Australia, I have mastered the art of decreasing the effects of jet lag on my body.

My trick is to always eat and sleep in line with the time zone you are entering, so when travelling home to London from Australia, 24 hours before leaving Aus, I aim to eat and sleep in in line with UK (GMT) timing. Similarly, when I land at my holiday destination, I get into their time zone and sleeping pattern straight away. Unfortunately, that means no naps, but trust me, it’s worth fighting through that first day you land.


2.     The flight

I don’t eat plane food at all! Have you ever noticed that you can feel bloated after eating plane food? This is because some (not all) plane meals contain chemicals to make you constipated - Not a good idea.

For me, I take my own food onto the plane, at least that way I can eat what and when I want.


3.     Water

I know it's annoy to be constantly getting up and down to go to the toilet on a flight, but trust me, it’s worth it.  Drinking plenty of water is obviously so important for keeping you hydrated, but secondly getting up to walk around and stretch your muscles will really help to keep your body feeling energised and strong when you land.

Yes - I am that annoying person that you see on a long hall flight doing her stretches in the aisle. Embarrassing? Ish, but to be honest, I don’t care! it makes me feel so much better and most people are sleeping or watching a film anyway.

I try to get up, walk and do some simple stretches at least every 3 hours.


4.     Sleep

As I said above, I keep my sleeping pattern to that of my destination time zone. easier said than done, I know! Particularly after a long haul flight, all I want to do is get straight into bed for a nap. But for my body to fight the jet lag, this is key. My top tip for this is to get a workout in early.


5.     Get in a workout, and FAST:

Without fail, unless I’m working, I do a workout the day I land. It doesn’t have to be hardcore or long. sometimes it’s even in my hotel room, or I go out for a walk exploring my new surroundings.

For me, depending on my energy levels, 20 mins of HIIT style cardio, plus stretches and foam rolling is enough to shock my body back into routine.

If there’s no gym, that’s no excuse! I make some space in my hotel room. My other top tip is to always travel with a resistance band. I don’t go anywhere without mine.

Sydney, Australia

Sydney, Australia


6.     Routine:

I follow the same routine I do when at home in London. it helps me to get my body in sync and leaves my body and mind feeling great.

I wake up early, have a fresh juice - normally carrot, apple and ginger, do an early morning workout and have my breakfast and protein shake afterwards.

I tend to travel with my own Optimum Nutrition Lean Whey protein, pre-workout and amino acids as I like to know what I’m putting in my body. I swear by Optimum Nutrition


7.     Location:

I always research the location of where I’m staying before I arrive. I like to make it easy for myself by finding my closest gym, juice bar and health food café.


8.     Exercise Classes

I often find that when I’m on holiday abroad, especially with friends, I struggle for motivation more than when I’m on business trips.

I tend to find that exercise classes are better for me. From HIIT classes such as F45 in Australia to Bikram yoga in LA, I find that booking into a class at a set time, forces me to workout and I always leave feeling better for having done it. It also helps that my friendship groups are fitness and health junkies so we go together and encourage eachother.


9.     Snacks and Protein

I take my own snacks and protein if possible. Although I love trying out new things, when it comes to my training, I like to know i have my own protein products.

I don’t travel anywhere without my Lean Whey sachets and Lean protein bars from optimum nutrition, as i know they are low calorie, low carbs and high protein.


10.  Indulge but try to not over indulge.

I’m going to leave this to your own interpretation. I don’t drink alcohol so I think that makes things a little easier for me. I have treats, of course! I absolutely love ice cream when I’m abroad and I also tend to crave more sweet things when I’m tired and jet lagged. But where possible I try to replace these with a healthier sweet snack. frozen yogurt with all the toppings is my go to! Healthy snacks are available pretty much everywhere now, trust me. If not, I always take some in my suitcase. protein bars and mixed nuts and dried fruit are a regular feature.


Brunch & Cake, Barcelona

Brunch & Cake, Barcelona

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